This is a list of episodes that contained at least one moment where Samurai Jack nearly succeeds in returning to his own time and/or defeating Aku, but is prevented from doing so by unforeseen circumstances. This typically occurs at the end of such episodes, although it may occur in the beginning or middle of one instead.
Trending pages
Episode XLIII: The Aku Infection -
Episode I: The Beginning -
Episode XLVIII: Jack vs. Aku -
Episode XV: Jack Tales -
Episode VI: Jack and the Warrior Woman -
Episode XCVIII -
Episode XXXII: Jack and the Traveling Creatures -
Episode XXXIII: Jack and the Annoying Creature
All items (12)
- Episode I: The Beginning
- Episode V: Jack in Space
- Episode VI: Jack and the Warrior Woman
- Episode XCVIII
- Episode XII: Jack and the Gangsters
- Episode XLIII: The Aku Infection
- Episode XLVIII: Jack vs. Aku
- Episode XV: Jack Tales
- Episode XXXII: Jack and the Traveling Creatures
- Episode XXXIII: Jack and the Annoying Creature
- Episode XXXIX: Jack and the Labyrinth
- Episode XXXVI: Jack, the Monks, and the Ancient Master's Son