The Chritchellites are a species of short, blue-skinned aliens that came from outer space, who captured and enslaved the Woolies.

A group of Critchellites.
The Chritchellites all look identical to one another; they have ocean-blue skin and wear white suits with visor glasses attached. The only Chritchellite to stand out from all the others is their leader, who wears an orange visor as opposed to the clear-blue visor worn by the others. All of the Chritchellites also carry high technology staves resembling tridents, capable of deriving powerful electric shock attacks from the top of the staves.
These painful staves, and their superior technology in general, is what gave them power enough to easily overcome, enslave and freely torture all of the physically much stronger Woolies. However, when Samurai Jack realized that the Chritchellites had only evil intentions, he helped the Woolies break free from their miserable conditions as slaves, and together they defeated the Chritchellites, thankfully reclaiming their ancient village.
It is unknown what has become of them in the altered future after Aku was destroyed in the past.
Abilities and Equipment[]
- Tridental Incapacitators: The Tridental Incapacitators were trident-like technological weapons used by the Chritchellites in order to conquer and enslave the Woolies. They appear to be dark-colored, three-pronged, pole-like weapons that deliver a painful electrical shock, much like tasers, hence their name and function.
- A Chritchellite appears briefly in the opening theme for Seasons 1-4.
- Every Chritchellite is voiced by Tom Kenny, with no difference in voice between any of them.
- In the final issue of the comics, a Chritchellite joined Jack's alllies in the battle against Aku.
- Samurai Jack releasing the Woolies from the aliens was mentioned by them when Ashi searched for Samurai Jack.
- Jack's electric trident from Season 5 has a very similar appearance and utility to the ones the Chritchellites use, albeit longer and more deadly. It possibly indicating that he has lost track of the Bushido code that made him such a powerful and honorable samurai warrior. Notably, he uses it to destroy the largest Beetle Drone ever created with a single throw.