Samurai Jack Wiki

The Empress is the wife of The Emperor and the mother of Samurai Jack. Not much was known about her, but she took Jack away from their hometown when it was destroyed by Aku after he escaped from his imprisonment. She was voiced by Lauren Tom.



Even though the empress barely speaks in the series, she appears to be very loving and kind, especially towards her husband and son. She deeply worries about their well-being and tries to fulfill her role as a wife and a mother. She also seems to be submissive and easily scared, unlike her husband and son, a sign of her soft nature.


She appeared to be the giver of the magic sword. The only episodes where she spoke were Episode XXXVII and Episode XLIII. In Episode XX, Jack had a vision of his mother and father who were forced to work in Aku's mines. If the vision was correct, then that meant at some point that Aku found her, recognized her as Jack's mother, and captured her. A flashback in Episode XXVI also shows that she taught her son how to make the straw hats he is seen wearing throughout the series. Just like her husband and son, her real name was never given.

At some point after Jack was sent to the future, the Empress passed away along with her husband. However, their spirits continued to watch over Jack from the afterlife, and were proud of the man that he became. They also appeared in Jack's psyche when he was possessed by Aku, and claimed that they were always in his heart.

Season 5[]

She appeared in Jack's first hallucination in Episode XCII telling him that he never came back and sadly accused him of abandoning his family and people, causing them to perish. She later appeared in Jack's flashback in Episode XCIV when a group of outlaws assaulted their carriage to kill The Emperor.

In Episode CI, Jack returns to the past with the help of Aku's daughter Ashi, finally completing his mission of destroying Aku and undoing the evil that he did in the future. Upon that, Japan regains its glory, and Jack's mother became the Empress of Japan once more. She supervised the dressing of Ashi in a shiromuku, in preparation for her wedding to Jack, and accompanied Ashi on a red carpet to meet Jack with a proud smile. However, her happiness was short-lived as Ashi suddenly collapsed on the red carpet before they could reach Jack, and after Jack rushed to her, she vanished in his arms, as the past Aku's destruction had undone her own existence.


  • Survival Skills: She has demonstrated several different survival and life skills that she passed on to Jack when he was still just a child. Including how to repair his clothing despite all the times it apparently gets damaged or destroyed during the series.