Episode XIV: Jack Learns to Jump Good[1] is the first episode of the second season of Samurai Jack, the fourteenth episode overall and the debut of the second season. Jack helps a peaceful tribe defend themselves against attacks in return for lessons on how to jump good.
Jack helps a peaceful tribe defend themselves against attacks in return for lessons on how to jump good.
The episode begins with Jack attempting to reach another time portal, destroying a swarm of beetle drones in the process. Just as he gets close, however, Aku appears and takes the portal out of Jack's reach. The samurai tries to jump for the portal, but Aku tauntingly moves it just out of range before transforming into a bird and flying away with the portal.
Later, while traveling through a forest, Jack comes across a wild man whose exceptional jumping abilities almost make it seem like he can fly. After discussing the samurai's recent troubles, the man takes Jack to meet his tribe, who will teach him to jump as well as he can. Upon reaching the tribe, Jack discovers it is a tribe of white-and-blue apes who raised the man from a young age; their ability to jump good helps them traverse their forest home and evade their enemies... such as the tribe of larger red apes that suddenly attacks in an attempt to steal their food.
After Jack defeats the rival tribe, he offers to teach the blue apes how to defend themselves in exchange for them teaching him how to jump good. Jack proceeds to show the tribe how to make and set traps, as well as how to wield a staff. In exchange, the monkeys then attach very heavy rocks to Jack and make him perform various exercises, in order to strengthen his muscles to be able to jump high.
Once he has mastered the exercises, Jack removes the rocks and discovers that he can leap effortlessly into the air. Jack thanks the Monkey Man and leaves the tribe. Later, the rival tribe returns and the ape man leads his tribe against the attackers. Hearing the noise, Jack returns, only to discover the tribe has defeated their attackers. Warning the apes never to come back, the Monkey Man signals his tribe to catapult them away. Jack smiles, satisfied that his work is done.

No, Jump Good.
Later, Jack battles and defeats more of Aku's beetle drones and approaches the time portal once more. As before, Aku appears and lifts the portal up into the air, but Jack simply leaps up with his sword drawn. A stunned Aku exclaims You can fly!?, but Jack simply answers No, jump good as he prepares to fight.
- Written by
- Directed by
- Storyboards by
- Voices
- Casting by
- Aku: Samurai fool! Your efforts are in vain again! This gateway into the past is once more beyond your rea- (Jack leaps into the air) YOU CAN FLY?!
Jack: No, jump good.
- The exact outcome of Jack's battle with Aku is unseen, although it can be assumed Aku somehow managed to escape and destroyed the portal leading back to the past.
- This is the first episode to be written by Brian Larsen.