Samurai Jack Wiki

Ezekiel Clench (nicknamed Zeke) is an American bounty hunter who tried to claim the bounty on Samurai Jack, was once married to Josephine Clench (who is still known as Mrs. Clench) and first appeared in Episode XXIX: Couple on a Train. It is unknown how the past Aku's destruction affected his existence. He is voiced by John DiMaggio.

Character Outline[]

Zeke is a tall, bearded bounty hunter who attempted to claim the bounty on Jack. His design is similar to the villainous cowboy stereotype, disheveled and unhygienic, sporting two mechanical hands with card suits on them. He also has a card with a black spade on his hat, and club shaped spurs on his boots.

He is a rather arrogant and rash man who rushes into a fight without thinking, which literally causes his downfall. He also has an intense rivalry with his ex-wife Josephine Clench, with whom she once had a profitable partnership across the Western Territories, most notably Kansas City. However, the two suffered a falling out that ultimately led Zeke to bear hostility to her and declare a restraining order against Josephine. Given the fact that she turned on him to get the whole bounty for herself, it's no surprise why their marriage fell apart.

Abilities and Skills[]

  • Superior Athleticism: He displays great speed, agility, and physical strength.
  • Master Melee Combatant: Zeke displayed enough proficiency in melee combat to be somewhat of a challenge for Jack.
  • Expert Sharpshooter: He is an excellent marksman. Although Josephine chides him for being unable to land any shots on Jack, this is likely due more to Jack's own agility than any incompetence on Zeke's part.
  • Expert Tracker: Being a bounty hunter, he is very good at tracking down his targets.
  • Gauntlets: His robotic hands contain a variety of tools and gadgets, such as finger pistols, a bolas launcher, wrist blades, a taser hand and a gatling gun. The gauntlets' wrists have the four playing card suits - clubs, hearts, spades, and diamonds - on them, and he changes the setting by turning the wrist so that the desired suit is on the back of the hand.
    • Clubs: A bola launcher used to ensnare fleeing targets.
    • Hearts: Electrifies Ezekiel's gauntlets, essentially acting as a powerful taser.
    • Spades: Deploys a pistol. This is Zeke's primary means of combat against single targets.
    • Diamonds: Deploys a short blade out of the gauntlet's wrist.
    • Ace: Transforms the gauntlet into a gatling gun. Zeke uses this weapon primarily for clearing large crowds of enemies.


  • Zeke mentions his father made him work on the farm.
  • Zeke has a playing card theme for his clothing, with suit symbols being found as his spurs, on his gauntlets, and as a card in his hat. The Ace of Spades is known as the Death Card, which fits with his work/profession as a Bounty Hunter.
  • When he uses one of his weapons by setting his gauntlet on a different suit, some of the weapons are fitting to the suit that which activates it:
    • Clubs - The leaves of the suit resemble a wound bola before being thrown.
    • Hearts - Electricity is one of the more lethal ways to kill someone, as it can stop the heart if too much is applied.
    • Spades - Fitting into Zeke's primary theming as the Ace of Spades, the weapon tied to this (the pistol) seems to be his favorite weapon.
    • Diamonds - Like a blade, diamonds are known to be one of the sharpest objects in the known world.
    • Ace - Fitting for the card with the highest value, Zeke's gatling gun is the most destructive weapon in his arsenal.