Samurai Jack Wiki

"Be careful, Samurai."
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Ikra was Aku in disguise which he chose in order to travel closely with Samurai Jack in Episode VI: Jack and the Warrior Woman.


As Ikra, Aku pretended to be portrayed as soft-spoken, cool, and elegant. To get close to Jack, Aku played at enjoying Jack's company, partook in many adventures with him, and even saved him from drowning in quicksand instead of allowing him to die. After she came close to the Desert Oasis Jewel, Ikra's failure to pass the Jewel's test of purity revealed her true nature as the embodiment of darkness.


Ikra was marked by the same green-black color coding that marked Aku's alternate forms. Her appearance was a result of Aku shape-shifting into a young woman with green skin, black hair, a black dress, and red lips.



Ikra using pyrokinesis to explain her father's imprisonment to Jack.

After Aku pretended to be a warrior woman who was named Ikra, he traveled with Jack across the desert, and battled many dangers together with Jack. To all appearances, Ikra and Jack formed a close bond.

In order to get further to Jack on "her" side, Aku invented a backstory for Ikra: She told him that her father, like Jack's (The Emperor), had fought Aku, lost, and was imprisoned for life in a ring of fire. Aku then claimed to be on a quest to find a Magic Jewel in the desert which was powerful enough to free "Ikra's" father. When Aku revealed himself as Ikra the whole time, he mocked Jack for believing the story about her father.



Ikra using her sword to destroy the Robotic Assassins.

As a disguise that was utilized by Aku, Ikra's powers were the same as Aku's. However, the one ability that Aku used that Aku did not normally demonstrate in his true form was great skill with a sword: Ikra was shown to be quite proficient in wielding a two-handed black sword that was made of the same darkness that comprised Aku's physical form.


