Samurai Jack Wiki

Josephine Clench (nicknamed Josie and credited as Mrs. Clench) is an independent, American bounty hunter, the ex-wife of Zeke, who aims to collect the bounty on Samurai Jack as he travels through the West. She appears in Episode XXIX: Couple on a Train. It is unknown how Aku's destruction affected her existence. She is voiced by Grey DeLisle.

Character Outline[]

Josephine is a beautiful and very curvaceous woman with dark eyes, dark hair and an even darker nature who wears a green and black dress of victorian design with off-the-shoulder straps that's lowcut along with a matching hat. She also wears black boots and gloves along with green earrings, calf-length stockings and bloomers. She has a flirtatious side to a sadistic personality, using her feminine charms to lure her targets into a false sense of security before striking.

She also has an intense rivalry with her ex-husband Zeke, with whom she once had a profitable partnership across the Western Territories, most notably Kansas City. However the two suffered a falling out that ultimately led Ezekiel to declare a restraining order against Josephine. Given the fact that she turned on him to get the whole bounty for herself, it's no surprise why their marriage fell apart.

Abilities and Skills[]

As a bounty hunter, Josephine possesses a wide array of skills, including:

  • Bartitsu: Trained in the art of gentlemen's combat, Josephine is adept at using ordinary objects such as an umbrella to fight.
    • Weaponized Parasol: Much in the fashion of Sherlockian villains such as Professor Moriarty or Lord Blackwood, Josephine's favorite weapon is a seemingly innocuous custom parasol that contains a retractable sword in its tip, bladed ribs to trap enemies, and a chain in the handle that can be fired to trip fleeing enemies.
  • Master Tracker: Josephine is noted to possess greater tracking skills than her ex-husband, Zeke, does, easily following the samurai onto a train under the guise of a civilian, while her former lover wastes time attempting to sneak past security.
  • Seduction: She is especially effective at using her feminine charms to subdue her quarry without causing alarm, tempting and extracting information from unsuspecting victims.
  • Expert Marksmanship: Josephine owns twin revolvers which she whips out against particularly challenging opponents, although her skill with them was handily outmatched by Jack's agility.