The Minions of Aku were humanoid demons who served Aku. They were voiced by Phil LaMarr and Tom Kenny.
They are merciless as they forced the prisoners to work and refused to give water to the Emperor and will destroy anyone who attack them as seen when Jack attacked one of them who tried to whip his father.
The Minions of Aku first wore red clothing, but in their next appearance, they wore light blue clothing.
Those Minions were the first soldiers of Aku's evil army. After Aku conquered Japan, his Minions helped him enslave the surviving population and forced them to work in mines. When Samurai Jack returned to his homeland, he had to fight and kill Aku's Minions before he reached Aku himself.
In The Future, demonic Minions became very rare, as they were largely replaced by robots due to their superior efficiency. Some of them were used to arrest Prince Astor and Princess Verbina after they crash-landed on Earth, and they were to transport the captured alien royalty into slave mines on Aku's orders. However, Jack came in disguised as a Minion and rescued them (Episode XLVII: Jack and the Flying Prince and Princess).
The Future Minions of Aku were erased from the timeline when Jack and Ashi altered the future and destroyed the past Aku.
They have whips so they can whip prisoners and seem to attack with their sharp claws.
- They appeared in level 3 of the flash Samurai Jack: Code of the Samurai as enemies, only difference in the game is they're eyes are white while in the show they're eyes are green.