Samurai Jack Wiki
Jack's father

"Nothing worth having is easily attained. Sometimes you must fight for what is yours...and what you believe in."

-The Samurai Lord to Jack, Episode XIX: Jack Remembers the Past

The Samurai Lord is the first wielder of the mystical sword, an emperor, and the first human to defeat Aku. He is also Jack's father.


Jack's father looks like an older version of his son. He has his son's rectangular head, hair style (his hair is gray), and eyes, but there are subtle differences, like his father has a more light hearted expression compared to his son's stern look.


Though he had little screen time, Jack's father's personality is very similar to his son. He is a kind, modest, and wise man who was loved by his people, especially his wife and son, who were the most important things to him.


Before Jack was born, his father had been pulled into the great battle against Aku, a shape-shifting sorcerer. Despite having a powerful army, he didn't stand a chance against the sorcerer and his forces were destroyed. Just as all hope seemed lost, the Gods Odin, Ra, and Vishnu bestowed Jack's father a mystical sword that could harm Aku, but could only be wielded by one pure of heart. The sword accepted him and with it, Jack's father defeated Aku and brought peace to the land just as his baby son was born.

Father meets son

Father meets son.

Aku Battle

The Samurai Lord vs Aku

Years later, with Jack now as a young child, Aku awakened from his prison and attacked the land once again, but this time he captured Jack's father before he could retrieve his sword. Before he was taken away, Jack's father asked his wife to take care their child and help him become the next hero who would defeat Aku; this time forever.

After years of training, Jack soon found his father, now a decrepit and weakened old man. He begged Jack not to fight Aku at that time, but he wouldn't listen and went off to fight, not knowing he wouldn't see his father again.


Powers and Abilities

Master swordsmanship specialist: Jack's father was a powerful samurai who in the prime of his youth was able to fight and defeat Aku with the sword he obtained from the gods, and had a mastery of the sword that was on par with Jack.

Flight 1

Jack's father empowered by the newly forged sword.

Enhanced endurance: In his first battle with Aku he was capable of defeating an army of the Shogun.
