Samurai Jack Wiki

The Scotsman's Daughters were the many children of the Scotsman and his wife. They joined their father for a battle against Aku in Episode XCVI.

Appearance []

Like their father and mother, they are all muscular and red-headed and have green eyes. Their strength is most likely from both their father's and their mother's sides. They all wear tartan-styled outfits. While Flora may be the leader, her sister, Isla, has been shown by her side, hinting they are both considered the leads of the group.


All are extremely loyal and close to their father the Scotsman and love him dearly. Though grown adults, their father shows he's still in charge as seen when he had them all cover themselves when they wore revealing outfits.

Background []

The daughters of The Scotsman and his wife are Flora, Maeve, Isla, Bradana, Murdina, Alana, Oban, Ardbey, Fiona, Assie, Bonnie, Lorna, Mawina, Shona, Nora, Piesil, Shanath, Euspeth, Edme, Freya, Gilbartha, Gesha, Grizela, Innes, Dawntha, Cora, Davina and Kina. It appears they never met Jack officially, but knew of him through their father's stories. They were raised by their loving parents. It's never really known when they were trained as warriors to join their father's cause against Aku.

The daughters first appear with their elderly father and his army getting ready to launch an attack on Aku. He quickly becomes outraged seeing Flora's outfit. He quickly reprimands her and tells her to cover herself before she catches a cold and extends this to his remaining daughters, stating "That goes for all of you." All were equally annoyed and embarrassed by their father, though they comply with his request. However, their father's attack plan goes wrong. As Aku swiftly destroys the armies, the Scotsman orders them to retreat.

Though they don't want to leave him, they reluctantly follow his orders. The Scotsman buys his daughters some time, praising Jack in front of Aku whilst insulting the latter at the cost of his life. Flora and Isla both see this in shock and horror. Following Aku's departure, the daughters return to mourn their father. Fortunately, thanks to the Celtic runes in his sword, he lives on as a ghost in his prime. The Scotsman and his daughters all agree to find Jack and continue the fight against Aku. (Episode XCII)

The girls are later seen watching Aku's broadcast of him capturing Jack while voicing his intentions of executing him. The daughters are later seen joining in a final battle against Aku with Jack, during which time their father gives out their names and believes that his friend would be interested in one of them. Jack declines to the Scotsman's chagrin, but Scotsman is happy to learn Jack has someone already (And surprised to see it is Ashi in her corrupted form). Though last seen alive, their existence is unknown after The Past Aku's destruction. (Episode CI)

