Samurai Jack Wiki
Vegeta screaming

Vegeta Rage Broke

Is It Completely coincedintal They Both had there Rage Broke Vegeta because Gohan stole his Dragon Ball and Ashi because She was Being Tortured but then Vegeta Cried like a Little Bitch in the Frieza Saga also have You heard that Males and Females look Different or did that Completely Elude You , Your acting Like they have to Be Exactly the Same No also Vegeta's a Alien Ashi is a Demon Human Hybrid Who Worshiped a GODDAMN!!!!!! Talking Tree Man , Vegeta was Completely Solo You Do Know He was Going to Use the Dragon Balls to Get Immortality and Kill Frieza and Goku and Rule the Universe , Apparently Ashi Gave Up She Failed Her Purpose at Least it Took Vegeta Two Sagas to Finally Give Up on the Immortality Agenda and Later Befriended Goku and Had Two Kids with Bulma Ashi Saw a FUCKING!!!!!! LADYBUG!!!!!! How is that Special what Am I Saying that was Supposed to Appeal to Women the Show Stopped Being Appealing to Men in Episode XCV with That Moment That Stupid Ass Goddamn Moment I Literally Hate You for Not Seeing the Big Picture Your Harder to Convince then a Mule , I Feel Like I'm the Only Who Thought that Chicks Cute She Looks Like Vegeta True Story Rent a Fact from the Renegade , Renegade for Fact or Do You want Me to Go Completely Ghost Nappa on You and Repeat Ashi Looks Like Vegeta until You Go Insane because Your a Idiot Also Look Up DBZ Spam Deviant Art they Made Vegeta's Hair Look almost Exactly Like Ashi's and Lets Not Forget Neither of Them Don't actually have Widows Peaks It's Actually there GODDAMN!!!!!!!! BANGS!!!!!!!! So Calling It a Widows Peak is Basically Saying Your a Fucking Idiot So Take that in Too Mind , Kazuya actually Has a Widows Peak so Does the Wolverine Beast Hair Daughter of Aku if I Meant Widows Peak I Could've Said Raditz and Plenty of Family Guy American Dad and Warcraft Characters Rent a Fact Number 2 . Rent a Fact Number 3? Your a Teenage Idiot Who is So Obstinate that Everything has to Be His Interest I Don't Like X Men but I Mentioned them and I Hate You for Saying everything has to Be Whats His Face Russian Pony Tail Prick I Don't even Classify Ashi as Part of Samurai Jack I Throw Her into the Bin Marked this Shits Awesome Like Alien DBZ and Warcraft Pretty Empty There and the Fact I Added a Character in There is Amazing I'm Not Joking the Only Things I Really Show Interest in are DBZ Ashi and Every Other Member of the Cult of Aku and Warcraft , Also if Aku's a God Wouldn't that Make Kil'Jaeden a Super God because Aku turned One Planet into a Living Hell the Burning Legion under Archimonde and Kil'Jaeden's Leadership the Legion Burned Millions maybe even Billions of Planets and Ate the Residents Souls I Could Spend Days Naming Villains Worse then Aku but is that My Agenda with You Oh No Way I'm Trying to Do the Most Simple Part of My Agenda  and Your Just Saying Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope /Donkey  Screaming/So Yeah That Nope Nope Nope Donkey Screaming Part was was Depicting You Buddy.


Ashi Rage Broke

<ac_metadata title="I Wonder if Theres a Way to Show this Idiot I'm the Right One not Him"> </ac_metadata>
