Toonami is an animated programming block that formerly aired on Cartoon Network and currently airs on Adult Swim, geared toward action animation, mostly consisting of American cartoons and Japanese anime. The name is a combination of the words cartoon and tsunami, suggesting that the block is a tidal wave of animated shows. The block originated in the US on March 17, 1997 and served as Cartoon Network's primary action-animation block until September 20, 2008. Toonami was revived on Saturday, May 26, 2012, as a more mature incarnation on Adult Swim, airing on weekends.
Samurai Jack was part of Cartoon Network's Toonami as it aired on Toonami from December 28, 2002 and last broadcast in Toonami on September 28, 2008. As of 2014, revamps of Samurai Jack aired at Adult Swim's Toonami, removed continuously several times and revamps are currently airing in Toonami. Starting from March 11, 2017, Toonami will air new episodes of Season 5. The series also appears on Toonami streaming site.
- Toonami: Super Saturday — December 28, 2002
- Toonami (United States) — September 29, 2003 - October 17, 2003; September 25, 2004; March 29, 2008 - September 20, 2008; February 1, 2014 - January 24, 2015; January 14, 2017 - March 4, 2017; March 11, 2017 - June 24, 2017; July 22, 2017
- Toonami (United Kingdom) — September 8, 2003 - 2005
- Toonami (Japan) — February 2004 - July 2004; December 2004 - 2005